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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Chasing the Sun

First of all, super super sorry that I didn't post the London pictures. I'm going to do that next, promise.

Alright. Well the last two weeks have been somehow both excruciatingly slow and ridiculously fast. First I spent a good three days holed up in my apartment working on my website. Good news though is that it's finally done! If you're interested (or, you know, have a super awesome job that you're just waiting for an excuse to offer me) then you can check it out here.

So after the three day Actionscript marathon of doom I went back to work. Reading, playing, chasing, chastising, praising, cutting fruit, changing poopy diapers. This is my life these days. And I didn't even have to suffer nine months of what sounds like terrifying bodily changes to get here. And of course, with all of this fun stuff going on, I inevitably picked up the stomach bug that is apparently making it's way around my Kita that no one felt the need to warn me about. So then I spent two more days in my apartment making best friends with both the toilet and my bed.

I recovered just in time to enjoy the wedding madness on Saturday. The children's grandfather got married. My first German wedding! The ceremony was definitely interesting, in a tiny packed room in an old government building with only a couple of chairs and a lot of big German words that I didn't understand. But apparently that office (the Standesamt, of which I understand there to be one in each district) is the only place you can legally get married in Germany. And they do the ceremonies in 20 minute time slots. That part I liked. No time for a dawdling priest to go on forever.

The reception was wonderful. The way I often picture weddings to be, but have never really experienced because everyone I know is on the broke side. There was a great entertainer and delicious food. And a dance floor, which I did not partake in as I was still pretty exhausted from the previously mentioned days of disease. I took loads of pictures for the bride and groom and even though I wasn't doing any professional work, I'm very pleased with the way a few of them came out.

So after the hugely packed day of wedding activities on Saturday I spent Sunday just relaxing. Lucky for me I had Monday off as well. I did my Zumba class in the morning and then set off in the afternoon to do the free walking tour of Berlin that I've been saying I was going to do for weeks. But then I stopped at Potsdamer Platz to look for some food before the tour and well, turns out I'm easily swayed. I found myself in front of the big movie theater and I realized how badly I just wanted to sit down and relax. So instead of being a good student of life and taking the tour where I'd get both a decent dose of exercise and a load of historical knowledge, I treated myself to an outside dinner in the Sony Center and then went to see a movie by myself. I know, it sounds terribly pathetic. But sometimes you just gotta do what you want, whether there's anyone else around to enjoy it with you or not. And because I refuse to grow up, I ended up seeing Brave. My second choice was Cabin in the Woods. Probably a good thing I didn't go with that. We all know how my seeing scary movies alone tends to turn out... So I saw Brave, which I had really wanted to do for awhile. It was cute and sweet and may have even brought a few tears to my eyes. Not Pixar's best (but honestly, I don't think anything else will ever live up to Finding Nemo), but definitely a good movie.

Since then the week has passed pretty uneventfully. Except for that hour where I was alone in a room with 25 sleeping children under the age of three and they all started to wake up way earlier than they were supposed to and I definitely couldn't wrangle that many screaming babies at once. But hey, I'm still alive and so are all of those children, so I call that a success!

Tomorrow I'm heading off to Hannover. People keep asking what in the world I'm going there for. Honestly, there is no reason. I picked it because bus tickets are 9 euro each way and I wanted to get out of town for cheap. So that's all. Oh, and I love the Pied Piper. He's from Hameln, which is a short ride from Hannover, so I'm totally gonna go be geeky and learn all about him.

I'll be back late Sunday night. In the mean time, I wish you all the most wonderful of happy and relaxing weekends. And here's the song currently stuck in my head. Hope you enjoy :)

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